Donate to REI

Donors can make a lasting difference in people’s lives by supporting REI financially through monthly, quarterly, or annual donations. REI also accepts gifts of stock, gifts bequeathed through wills, gifts in kind, matching funds, and memorial gifts. Donations are accepted by check, credit card, and electronic funds transfer (EFT), through PayPal, First Giving, and Network for Good.

Donations made by check should be made payable to Resource Exchange International (REI) and mailed to 5446 N. Academy Blvd. Suite 202, Colorado Springs, CO 80918.

To make a one-time donation:

To pay by Electronic Check:

After you click the ‘Give Now’ button above, you will be directed to a page where you can enter a donation amount and either (1) log in to PayPal or (2) continue without a PayPal account. Choose the ‘Use your credit card or bank account’ option by clicking the ‘Continue’ link and following the remaining on-screen instructions.

If you want to specify a one-time donation directly to a program or staff member:

Once you click on the ‘Give Now’ button above, you will be directed to a page where you can enter a donation amount and either (1) log in to PayPal or (2) continue without a PayPal account. After logging into PayPal or entering your billing information, you will be directed to page where you ‘Review Your Donation’.  In the middle left portion of the page just under the words “One Time Donation” there is relatively small blue lettering “Specify program or staff member”; clicking on this will then open a box in which you can type for whom you want the money designated (name, project name, or account number).  Next, click the button at the bottom of the page to complete the donation.

We apologize for the obscurity of this process, but it is an unchangeable feature of PayPal.

To make a recurring donation:

Recurring Donation

Specify a
Program or Staff Member

To give monthly by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) from your checking account please download and complete the Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization Form (below) and send it along with a copy of a voided check to the address indicated in the form.

Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization Form (pdf)
(right-click on the link and select ‘save link as’ – or something similar, depending upon your browser)

REI graciously accepts gifts of appreciated stock or mutual funds. Gifts of appreciated stock are particularly wise from a tax perspective, since there are no capital gains paid, and the giver receives a tax deduction of the full face amount. To make a stock or mutual fund donation to REI, Inc., or to find out more information, have your brokerage firm contact us at or call 719.598.0559.

Bequests are a wonderful and lasting way to make an impact on the work of REI, while also leaving a lasting legacy. Gifts can be made to REI through your will or living trust and are fully deductible from your estate. If you’d like to name REI in your will, the suggested language is:

I give and bequeath to Research Exchange International, Inc. (REI), 5446 N. Academy Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80918, a Colorado not-for-profit organization, the sum of $____ (or ___ percent of my residuary estate) for such purposes as the Board of Directors of REI, Inc. shall determine to be in the best interest of the organization.

These types of gifts can include specific, preapproved gifts of equipment and supplies. If you would like to discuss ideas you may have about gifts in kind, simply contact our office at 800-481-2201.

Another creative way to give to REI is through Matching Funds. Check with your company to see if it offers a Matching Funds program. If this is an option for you, please fill out your company’s application and send it to REI at 5446 N. Academy Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80918. We will fill in our portion of the application and return it to your company.

You can remember a loved one in a special way by donating to REI in their memory. If you would like to give a gift in memory or honor of someone, please include the following information with your gift:

  1. Your name and address as the one giving the gift.
  2. The name of the recipient of the memorial gift.
  3. The name and address of the person or family to receive the notification of the
    memorial gift.
  4. The name of the person in whose honor the gift is given.

A card will be sent to the person or family designated to notify them of the gift. You will receive a receipt acknowledging your generous gift.

Donations are also accepted through First Giving and Network for Good.

Look for Resource Exchange International during your next Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). – REI, Inc. will appear in the listing of “National/International Independent Organizations” published in each local campaign charity list. REI’s CFC number is 77511