
Who is Resource Exchange International?

REI Collage

The success of any undertaking is only as certain as the genius of the idea that inspired it… …and the passion and energy of those who pursue it! – REI President and CEO Roderick Beidler

Who We Are

The mission of REI is to engage, encourage, equip and empower people in emerging nations to strengthen the strategic sectors of their nations. We do this by providing holistic education and training, improving knowledge and developing skills, and by building human capacity in every area.

Why Human Services

In the humanitarian development world many outstanding organizations build buildings, but buildings eventually collapse. Others dig wells, but wells eventually go dry. Still others make loans to entrepreneurs, but economies eventually fail. At REI we appreciate those valuable contributions. Everyone needs a habitable place to live or work, clean water to drink, and jobs to earn a living wage.

REI’s focus is the people who live and work in those buildings, who drink that water, and who work at those jobs. We believe that human resources are a nation’s most valuable resource. An investment in human resources has a multiplying effect rather than a diminishing effect. Human resources are the one resource in the world that we know is growing instead of disappearing. That is the genius of the idea that gave birth to REI: “Building people…to build nations!”

Our Charter

REI has been in business since its incorporation as a U.S. not-for-profit organization in 1990. We are a humanitarian development organization, established for educational and charitable purposes, and that employs holistic methods. We are financially supported by monetary and material donations from individuals, corporations, foundations, and other non-profit organizations.

We Work With Individuals in Emerging Nations

We work with individuals in emerging nations whose governments are genuinely concerned for the welfare of their people, that are undergoing social and economic transition, and that are responsive to the idea that future development is limited by systemic problems that require systemic solutions.
Individuals and groups in those nations will collaborate with us, as equal partners, to identify and address potentially strategic needs. These individuals and groups agree that the greatest investment we can make is to plant seeds that will bear fruit in future generations and are strategically placed and have the potential to become “key influencers” in their family, their community, and their nation.

Our Strategic Programs:

  • Provide education and training.
  • Impart life skills and/or professional skills that improve the quality of life for families and communities
  • Promote personal and cultural interchange
  • Foster international goodwill and understanding.
  • Facilitate the development of mutual respect and lasting friendships.
  • Are sustainable with local resources.

REI’s current strategic programs include…

  • Agriculture Education
  • English (“General” and “English for Special Purposes”)
  • Business / Economics
  • Executive Leadership / Management
  • General Education
  • Language Education (including Curriculum Development)
  • Medicine and Primary Healthcare
  • Micro-enterprise Development
  • School Administration
  • Social Work

REI’s future strategic programs may include…

  • Fine Arts
  • Athletics / Sports
  • Engineering
  • Entertainment
  • Government
  • Journalism
  • Jurisprudence
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • Science
  • Politics

Perspective of Time: Patience is a Virtue

We are not in a hurry. We believe that there are no shortcuts when “building people to build nations” and can afford to take the long-term view on development and discipleship in order to build solid, sustainable foundations. Rome was not built in a day. So it is with REI.