[Orient]ation – Adjusting to life in Vietnam

Staff Story, Vietnam l

Image: [Orient]ation - Adjusting to life in Vietnam

by Donna May Lyons, Communications and Fundraising Assistant

Two of REI’s newest workers, Sarah and Samantha, began their [Orient]ation into Vietnamese life and culture just eight weeks ago. The two graduates of Northwestern College, Minneapolis, Minnesota are Resident English Specialists at Hanoi University in Vietnam. During the past eight weeks, Sarah and Samantha have made many adjustments to their way of living and thinking as they have experienced the vast differences between life in Vietnam and the United States.

Back to School Across the Globe

Krygyzstan, Media, Staff Story l

Image: Back to School Across the Globe

by Donna May Lyons, REI Communications & Fundraising Assistant

Across the United States, thousands of children have either returned or are returning to school. According to the most recent U.S. Census numbers, a projected fifty-six million students will be enrolled in the nations elementary through high schools (grades K-12) this fall.

REI’s Global Forum

Home Office, REI History l

Image: REI’s Global Forum

“Building People to Build Nations” for the Next 20 Years

From July 5-8 more than fifty people from most of our REI countries will gather in Colorado Springs to attend the REI Global Forum to continue the conversation and complete the work that began during the 2010 Strategic Thinkers’ Forum.

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